Friday, April 17, 2009

Then and now.

Another year gone by while living in Seattle. Many things have changed since I've moved back to the lower 48 from Cordova. I ride a lot more, and am involved with an active cycling community. I am in a relationship with a wonderful woman that supports my borderline obsession with all things bicycle.

As I moved to Alaska in the late nineties, I left behind my touring bike and bike zine "Behind Bars" in Minneapolis. My tour down the east coast cut off before it even started in order to hop trains and hitchhike to Olympia, where a converted school bus would take me up to Alaska, just for the summer. I stayed for 8 years. I worked and lived in Cordova, becoming a part of one of the most welcoming communities I have ever visited. I cherish the people that I met and still know in that little drinking town with a fishing problem. After I did a little fishing and had some change in my pocket, I started the Cordova Bike Project, based on the Austin Yellow Bike Project that I was involved with while I was messengering in Austin. I bought a bunch of parts, collected 15-20 old bikes that people were getting rid of, picked up some yellow paint, and got to work. It was a great thing to keep me occupied during the winter months; the rain days that made snowboarding not so good, and the days that I just wanted to make something work. Unfortunately, as spring moved around, the reality came to light: It was hard to find people willing to donate time to fix and maintain these bikes. I didn't have a way to fish AND work on bikes, there just wasn't enough time in the day. I was also stubborn... refusing to ask for help from businesses and government agencies. So the Cordova Bike Project stopped putting bikes on the street. Until I moved I saw one or two getting ridden around out at the Cove.

Fast Forward======>
It's 2009, and this past year has been a whirlwind of cycling events. I just got back from Portland, where Filmed By Bike once again came through with a weekend of fun in the sun, and amazing biking in a town that brings cycling community to a whole new level. This was my third year attending FBB- and as I said last year and the year before: I really need to submit a video for next year.

Today is a beautiful day. And though my currently employment status is "unemployed"- my bike is tuned, and the streets are calling my name. I will be back soon.

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